10th Hohenheim Finance Workshop  [12.11.23]

From November 9 to 10, the 10th Hohenheim Finance Workshop took place at the Kloster Brandenburg on the Iller. The workshop is hosted annually by the Institute for Financial Management and supported by the Stiftung Kreditwirtschaft.

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The annual Finance Workshop of the Institute for Financial Management at the University of Hohenheim took place this year at the Kloster Brandenburg on the Iller in Regglisweiler. From November 9 to 10, 2023, young researchers had the opportunity to present current research projects and discuss them with members of other university departments and guests from Scotland and Brazil. The program was extremely diverse, covering the full spectrum of financial research from corporate finance and insurance economics to financial econometrics. The presenters—Andreas Benz (KIT and Department of Corporate Finance), Johannes Bleher (AIDAHO), Andreas Blickle and Tim Philippi (Dept. of Insurance Economics and Social Security), Julius Kraft (Monetary Systems), Sophia Koch and Javier Pena (Business Mathematics and Data Science), Marius Puke (Econometrics and Statistics), Isaac Tabner (Accounting & Finance, Stirling Management School)—received valuable feedback and new impulses for their research work.

The workshop's framework included a guided tour of the Brot und Kunst Museum in Ulm. Known as the Forum for World Nutrition, the museum is a knowledge museum that exhibits the importance of grain, bread, and culture in the development of humanity. Thus, seminar participants were enlightened not only about the technical aspects of grain cultivation and bread baking but also about the perception of food and its significance as expressed in art. The connection to the University of Hohenheim was also evident, not least through the busts of King William I and Catherine Pavlova.

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