Preliminary course mathematics
Set of slides from the lectures
Tag 1: Mengenlehre und Zahlenbereiche
Tag 2: Potenzen, Wurzeln, Logarithmen
Tag 3: Elementare Algebra: Gleichungen
Tag 4: Analysis: Funktionen
Tag 5: Winkelmaße und Trigonometrische Funktionen
Tag 6: Differentiation
Tag 7: Kurvendiskussion
Tag 8: Integralrechnung
Tag 9: Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik
Tag 10: Grundlagen der Vektorgeometrie
All important documents for the preliminary course can be found on openILIAS.
Here we provide you with additional documents from the morning lecture.
Recordings of the lectures
Tag 2: Potenzen, Wurzeln, Logarithmen
Tag 3: Elementare Algebra: Gleichungen
Tag 4: Analysis: Funktionen
Tag 5: Winkelmaße und trigonometrische Funktionen
Tag 6: Differentiation
Tag 7: Kurvendiskussion
Tag 8: Integralrechnung
Tag 9: Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik
Tag 10: Grundlagen der Vektorgeometrie
Shiny app for the general sine function
Alternative 1: Local installation of the software
In order to run the app you need R and R-Studio (the free version is perfectly adequate).After the installation (first R, then R-Studio) start R-Studio and give the command in the console (after the ">")install.packages (shiny)a. This command installs the package necessary to run the app. Several additional packages that are not included in the basic configuration are loaded. Then open the R file Shiny_Sinus.R. A "Run App" button should now appear. Press and the app opens and is ready for use. If this is not the case, select the "Source" command from the "Code" menu, this should have the same effect.
Alternative 2: cloud
You can also set up an account in the R-Studio Cloud. Here, too, the free version is sufficient. After logging in, create a "workspace" and an instance of R-Studio will be started for you. Create an empty script via "File -> New File -> R Script" and copy the content of Shiny_Sinus.R into this script and save it. A gray bar will appear telling you that the library shiny is not available and offering you to install it (click on download). You can then call up the app using the "Run App" button. If this is not the case, select the "Source" command from the "Code" menu, this should have the same effect.